Look at me, all jazzy-like with the comments!
I'm slow on the uptake. I know this already.
The office-block persecution affinity.
Granny died, and Brent is still a few hours away. But she knew he was coming. At least she knew that.
Whenever Granny heard that anyone she knew had died, she always said 'it's a blessing!' I can't really muster up the same sentiment for her, because it's *not* a blessing. It totally sucks and I will really miss her. I never knew either of my blood grandmothers very well, but I feel like Granny was mine too.
Alex called my recent lack of blog-posting a 'dismaying dimsie dropoff'. I like alliteration.
I think you know you're a grown-up when older relatives start relying on you. Granny going to hospital has really altered our priorities for this year, and it's all happened over the last few days. I wonder if our house will ever stop having a giant aura of stress and worry? I want Granny to be OK and I don't know what's best for her. Should she come here? Would she make the journey? Would immigration give her any problems? Would she be happy in such a strange place? And if she stays in Texas, how can Brent and I be responsible for her from so far away? All of this would be so much easier if we had *any* money at all, of course. I keep weighing up alternative after alternative, and all of them are so contingent upon all sorts of other developments. Poor little Granny. We have to find a way to make her content and safe.
I hate getting up at 6am, but the sunrise from the bus this morning was *amazing*. You know how cartoons have those big shafts of sunlight coming over a cloudbank and forming a semi-circle of yellow rays? That actually happened! *Extreme* nature!
I know I keep harping on this, but every week brings a new entry in the Freaky Library Patron Name sweepstakes. Here's the latest: Heypinkie Reynolds. I actually spoke to her and she is a middle-aged North American with pink hair, appropriately enough! (She also whined for hours and hours about her library fine, which obviously did not endear her to me. *You* returned the book late. Pay the fuck up and hush it, lady. Obviously, I didn't say that to her face. I just waived half of her fine and smiled firmly at her through my gritted teeth.)