I have neglected you, blog! I have been bitching about the war elsewhere. It occurs to me that I never really understand what I think about an issue until I argue with someone. 'But you're *wrong*!' is a powerful idea-clarifier.
Thursday, March 13, 2003
Previous Posts
- Crying with laughter. No, seriously. Thank you, Ben.
- I flat-out love Russell Brown. Check out the quest...
- Remind me never to work eight straight days at the...
- How did I manage to post that twice? Odd, odd.
- The fact that it occurred while I was sleeping isn...
- Enthusiasm! I seem to have been sadly short on it ...
- Awwwww. I just noticed that Alex (who has finally ...
- Alex makes me feel like a lamearse. He is as cleve...
- I just saw Casino all the way through for the firs...
- Discovery: at certain angles, Ellie looks like Gro...
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