shake that cola drag

The office-block persecution affinity.

Sunday, November 24, 2002

It's so obvious. Why didn't anyone think of it before? Hell's Gate should have been in a Scorpions video, dammit! Rotorua is cool. Geysers! Steaming cliffs! Bubbling mud! Steaming *and* bubbling pools! More motels per square kilometre than anywhere else in New Zealand! St. Faith's Anglican Church at Ohinemutu Marae! (Well, that doesn't sound exciting until you see the inside, which is a bizarre combination of European and Maori design. Wooden pews and crosses combined with carving and flax panels, plus a sandblasted window depicting Jesus as a Maori warrior who appears to actually be walking on the waters of Lake Rotorua. And the surroundings gently steaming as heat escapes from the earth's core... wow.) Plus, I don't care how cheesy and touristy it is, Whakarewarewa is fantastic. They live there! They bathe in the pools! They cook food! They heat their houses! Although our guide told us their TVs only last two years because of the sulphurous atmosphere...


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