shake that cola drag

The office-block persecution affinity.

Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Great. I rang the immigration department and Brent is now an overstayer! (Apparently being married to me and having a residency application pending is not good enough.) Yet another letter off in the post today begging them to reinstate his visa. *Then* I have to fill in *another* form asking for a temporary work permit, since the residency, according to the woman on the phone, will not be processed for *nine months* from the application date. Oh yay, this will all be sorted out in approximately June 2003 then. Good-o. So much for teacher's college in February. He might be too *old* to be a teacher at this rate...

(Added frustrating note: the work permit involves proving the veracity of our marriage again, with certificates and photos and stuff. But the immigration department already *has* all this stuff sitting in the permanent residency application file. I suppose it's far too difficult to open a folder and have a look at it...)


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