shake that cola drag

The office-block persecution affinity.

Saturday, January 26, 2002

Additional hate I just thought of: Bill Maher. The guy's attitude to women makes Hef look progressive. I'll occasionally watch Politically Incorrect, but I get embarrassed for him: he reduces nearly every single issue to 'women suck! All they're interested in is money and monogamy and fucking us over! They're stupid and evil!' Well, yeah, Bill, if you only date strippers and porn stars, you're going to end up with a rather limited understanding of the opposite sex. He seems to have no conception that his own attitudes end up being a self-fulfilling prophecy. And his issues are *hugely* transparent: dude obviously couldn't get a blowjob in high school or college and spent his young adulthood incredibly insecure, obsessively jacking off to Swank (he apparently still has the porn collection of the gods), and resenting women enormously for the power they held over him. With his rise to relative fame, the poontang embarrassment of the riches set in, and he couldn't get through all the groupies fast enough. Now he wants to be The Studmeister, but all the women he seeks out as trophies to prove how great he is are (surprise surprise) only into him for his fame and money. *Then* he resents them even more for not fulfilling all the ridiculous teen fantasies he had, and extrapolates that all women are like his groupies and that all men subscribe to his ridiculous philosophies; this attitude consumes him to the extent that his show is quite often painful to watch. He's in a viciously immature cycle and won't break out of it. What I can't understand is the way no one on the show (with a few exceptions - the lead singer of Better Than Ezra, oddly) calls him on this shit. I'd *eat him for breakfast*. (I sound more and more like my mother every day.)

This has been irritating me for months or years. I'm so glad I finally got it out of my system. :)


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