shake that cola drag

The office-block persecution affinity.

Friday, March 15, 2002

I am about to make my dear friend Siobhan, A Kiwi She-Wolf in London, semi-famous (ha!). She made me laugh until I cried this morning with this wee missive:

i saw some shocking ballet last night. greg and carol got cheap tickets to the final dress rehearsal of romeo and juliet. unbeknownst to us it were not the play it were the ballet! i am not a big ballet fan at the best of times but this was shocking beyond belief. the tights were just too much for me to cope with, especially from the front row. at one point i had a severe giggle attack and had to stare intently at the triangle player in the orchestra in an attempt to quell my mirth. surely they could equip them with some sort of modesty frill??? left at half time to avoid disgracing myself. it all looks to me suspiciously like mime on tippy-toe as well. and juliet had huge bendy banana-like feet! enormous they were! madness.


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